Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Take18: Internet Memes (ll)

This would be part two of my five favourite Internet Memes.
Check out the post below for the first to third.
So anyway, here is number four:

4. Demotivational Posters

Originating from that "Inspirational Picture, Character Trait , Caption" combination to form some inspirational and encouraging posters, Demotivational Posters are often really witty. Like so:

5.The Rick Roll

Sigh. Rick Astley, must have looked back in some time in his life and pondered what he really was famous for. Apparently, yes, his song Never Gonna Give You Up. But for the wrong reason of course.
Ever clicked on some link, eagerly sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the screen to load, before your excitement turns into frustration because of this singing red-haired guy that really, had nothing to do with what you wanted. Something like this.

Basically a bait and switch prank, which has left many frustrated.
Oh, did I mention he actually won an award for that? He won the 'Best Act Ever' award in the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008.

So, those (with the bottom post) would be the internet memes that have been circulating 'round the web nowadays. Here's an interesting link to check out by the way.

Jong, signing off.

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